Senior School Student Wellbeing

The goal of student support in the Senior School is to ensure our students are equipped with tools and strategies to nurture and maintain their wellbeing. The aim is to ensure that our students gain an in-depth understanding of both their strengths as well as their challenges, that they learn how to advocate for themselves and they understand the value of seeking support when needed.

Advisor Program

Every Senior School student has an advisor who will follow them throughout their Senior School years. Every cycle, they will meet in small advisor groups, their advisor will track their academic progress and will be available as a consistent support person throughout their Senior School years. Please use your child’s advisor as a first-line contact if you have information to share or questions to ask.

Learning Strategies 

Learning support for all students begins in our inclusive classrooms where teachers differentiate instruction to meet the needs of a variety of learning styles. Our Senior School Learning Strategists support and advocate for exceptional students to help them access the curriculum and implement appropriate accommodations. Student Learning Plans (SLPs) are written for students with identified exceptionalities so that teachers know how to appropriately support their identified needs. These plans include the exceptional identification, the student’s learning strengths, needs and the accommodations that are necessary to support the student’s learning. SLPs are reviewed and updated annually. The Learning Strategists are enlisted for support by the teaching faculty and/or the student’s family.

Senior School Social Worker

Upon entering the Senior School, students face a range of new opportunities as well as new challenges. These challenges may include adapting to significant academic and psycho-social challenges. When challenges arise, the first line of support for students is their Advisor. Social work support is available to students as an additional individual resource for those seeking guidance around their own social and emotional wellbeing. Students are invited to reach out to the social worker on their own or can be connected through their advisor, a teacher, or school administration. Additionally, parents are encouraged to reach out to the Social Worker if they wish to share any additional information regarding their child about which the school should be aware in order to access additional psycho-social support or academic accommodation.

K-12 School Nurse

The school nurse provides direct health assessment and intervention to students experiencing acute or chronic health conditions during the school day, collaborates with school staff around health promotion and education and liaises with public health as required. Parents are encouraged to reach out to the school nurse to ensure home /s school partnership on student health issues.


There are a number of students in the Senior School with life-threatening allergic reactions called anaphylaxis. Typical anaphylaxis triggers include: 

insect stings, medication, latex, and, most often, specific foods.

In an effort to provide the care that severely allergic children may require, the allergy is noted on our database and teachers are made aware. The students are required to have 2 Epipens with them at the start of each school year (each Epipen should include that child’s name). The students are required to wear one Epipen on them at all times; as well, we keep one in the office. Please note, The York School makes every effort to be a nut-aware environment. Foods prepared in our cafeteria do not knowingly contain peanuts, nuts, or nut-related products. We do have mechanisms to accommodate other personal dietary restrictions. Please reach out to the principal or the school nurse to discuss your child’s needs.

Thank you for your consideration and cooperation in helping to make The York School a safe environment for all our students.

Leigh Family Centre for Wellbeing

The Leigh Family Centre for Wellbeing was opened in 2021. This space was intentionally designed to foster collaboration, access to the Student Support team, and nurture student wellbeing.