Junior School Daily Schedule

The instructional day in the Junior school begins at 8:30am and ends at 3:15pm. Students will have the opportunity to enjoy two supervised but unstructured recess playtimes during the instructional day.

Junior School students will also enjoy two snacks and a hot lunch provided through Aramark, our food service provider. Menus for snacks and lunch are available on Yorknet.

Throughout the day, Junior School students will participate daily in the core academic areas (Literacy, Numeracy, and Unit of Inquiry) which is delivered by the Homeroom teacher. Junior School students will also participate throughout each cycle in the specialty programme areas (Art, Music, Physical and Health Education, French, and Library) which are delivered by Specialist teachers.

Details regarding your child's class schedule:

School Day Starts at 8:30am and Ends at 3:15pm 
Before Care: 7:45am - 8:00am 
Aftercare: 3:45pm - 5:30pm
After school activities (clubs, athletics): 3:30pm - 4:30pm

Drop-off and Pick-up:

Drop off: 8:00am - 8:25am
Regular School Pick-up: 3:15pm - 3:45pm
Co-Curricular Pick-up: 4:30pm - 4:45pm 

To get an overview of Junior School and school-wide activities, plus to learn how to sync your iCal to your child(ren)’s schedule, please visit the Calendar section of this handbook under All School.

Student supervision at school

While our school day operates from approximately 8:15 (Junior School) to 4:00pm (Senior School), we offer early morning athletic practices and band rehearsals and many more co-curricular offerings after school. 

For the safety of our students, Middle and Senior School parents are advised that their child(ren) must leave the campus by 6:00 pm each day when our direct supervision concludes. Students may not remain on campus unsupervised unless there is a York School evening program such as Arts Night etc, where there is adult supervision at school.