Junior School
Drop-off and Pick-up

Key Timings

Morning Drop-off: 8:00am - 8:25am
Classes Begin: 8:30am
Classes End: 3:15pm

Regular Pick-up: 3:15pm - 3:45pm
Co-Curriculars: 3:30pm -4:30pm

Co-Curricular Pick-up:4:30pm - 4:45pm

Student Transportation (1639 Yonge St.)

As an urban school with many families from the community, we encourage walking and cycling to and from school. Drivers who wish to park off-site can utilize either side of Yonge Street for one-hour parking (until 4:00pm) or the 15-minute school parking zone directly in front of the school.

There is also a Green P one block south of the Junior School on Heath and Yonge. 

At no time is parking allowed in the Yorkminster Baptist church parking lot. Our usage agreement is very specific. The church parking lot may be used as a drive through and waiting line from the hours of 8:00am - 8:45am and from 3:00pm - 3:45pm only. Please respect our neighbours by adhering to our usage agreement.

Class start/end times: 8:30am - 3:15pm.

Drop-off and Pick-up

Any student in any grade is welcome to drop off and pick up at any door at any time. We do not designate locations based on grades with the exception that Kindergarten students may be collected from the Kindergarten door (off of Yonge Street) at the end of the day.


Junior School students JK through Grade 5 should arrive at school between 8:00am - 8:25am and can be dropped off at either the front door off of Yonge Street, or at the back of the school off of Glen Elm Ave. Students will be escorted directly from Glen Elm Ave into the playground area for morning recess.

Between 8:00 - 8:25, all students will convene outside in the playground area for morning recess, weather permitting.

Classes begin at 8:30am.

Late Drop Off

Any student being dropped off after 8:25 am will be considered late and marked accordingly. Please escort your child inside and check in with reception to explain the reason for the late arrival.

For any late arrivals that are anticipated, please email 1639attendance@yorkschool.com

Pick Up

Pick-up at the end of the school day will follow the “indoor pick-up” procedure. Students will wait in their classrooms until they are called down when their parents arrive.

JK/SK students may be picked up at the JK/SK door (north of the main entrance on Yonge St.) or at the back of the school between 3:15pm - 3:45pm

Grades 1-5 students will be picked up at whichever entrance is most convenient for them and/or their guardian between 3:15pm - 3:45pm.

To help us ensure your child’s safety, only people listed on the child’s YorkNet profile will be permitted to pick them up at dismissal time. On any day that your child will not be going home with their designated guardian, please communicate this to the homeroom teacher via email and to 1639attendance@yorkschool.com

Please note: If a JK/SK student is to be picked up with an older sibling, that family should pick up with an older child in the family so as to promote that the JK/SK entrance is only used by JK/SK students.

ACTIVETO Bike Lanes on Yonge at 1639

Since many of our community live in the neighbourhood, you will be aware that the city of Toronto re-imaged Yonge Street with CafeTO & ActiveTO initiatives that added bike lanes outside of the Junior School. While we all appreciate that bike lanes are an exciting addition to the infrastructure of our city, they require that we re-adapt our accustomed drop-off and pick-up routines. As always, our top priority is to ensure the safety of all our students and community members.

The city has confirmed that riders using the bike lanes have the right of way; so, if you choose to use the Yonge Street door for drop-off and/or pick-up, it is imperative that you chaperone your child from the car to the sidewalk and/or school door. Students may NOT cross the bike lane independently or unaccompanied by their adult. Teacher supervisors will NOT be able to open car doors and receive children into the bike lane.

Additionally, please be mindful of the new parking regulations and areas. Parking on the east side of Yonge is clearly marked. The hash-marked areas are for standing only. Parked cars may not be left in the marked areas. As well, please do not block the driveway for the residential building to the south of the Junior School, Glen Elm Avenue, or the bus stop.

To alleviate possible congestion at drop-off and pick-up, we invite our community to consider riding or walking to school. Remember, students may always be dropped off or picked up using the “Kiss-and-ride” accessed through the lane off Glen Elm Avenue at the back of the Junior School.