Community Involvement Hours Requirement
Service Learning Hours at The York School
General Overview
Students must complete 40 hours of community involvement between the summer before grade 9 and the end of grade 12. The purpose of the community involvement requirement is to encourage students to develop awareness and understanding of civic responsibility and of the role they can play and the contributions they can make in supporting and strengthening their communities.
The York School encourages students to complete most or all of the 40 hours before the beginning of grade 11 so students may focus on developing their Creativity, Activity, Service (CAS) portfolio in the Diploma Program.
Students will record their community involvement hours on ManageBac as OSSD Service experiences in the Service as Action (SA) section in grades 9 & 10 and the CAS section in grades 11 & 12.
At the end of each school year, all completed community involvement (service) hours that have been successfully recorded in ManageBac will be recorded on the student's report card.
What can I do to earn my service hours?
There are certain activities that qualify for service learning hours and can be counted toward the Ontario graduation requirement.
Some of the eligible activities offered at York and with external organizations can be found here.
Students are also encouraged to develop their own service plan as long as it adheres to the Ministry of Ontario guidelines and York School guidelines (*See Below*)
How to Document Your Hours
The steps to document your hours are as follows:
Enter the activity in ManageBac under SA, for grades 9/10, and CAS, for grades 11/12.
Give a description of the activity and select target learning outcomes
Add a supervisor’s contact information
Ask your Advisor to approve the activity
Start your service experience!
When you’ve completed your service experience:
Add the number of hours you volunteered to your activity in ManagBbac
Complete a reflection that comments on the experience and how you met each learning outcome
Click “Supervisor Review” to send the link to confirm the accuracy of your documentation to your supervisor
Let your Advisor know when the Supervisor has signed off on the ManageBac link so they can change your SA or CAS activity to Completed!
*The Ontario Ministry of Education's List of Ineligible Activities*
The ministry has developed a list of activities that may not be chosen as community involvement activities and that are therefore ineligible activities. An ineligible activity is an activity that:
is a requirement of a class or course in which the student is enrolled (e.g., cooperative education portion of a course, job shadowing, work experience);
takes place during the time allotted for the instructional program on a school day. However, an activity that takes place during the student's lunch breaks or “spare” periods is permissible;
takes place in a logging or mining environment, if the student is under sixteen years of age;
takes place in a factory, if the student is under fifteen years of age;
takes place in a workplace other than a factory, if the student is under fourteen years of age and is not accompanied by an adult;
would normally be performed for wages by a person in the workplace;
involves the operation of a vehicle, power tools, or scaffolding;
involves the administration of any type or form of medication or medical procedure to other persons;
involves handling of substances classed as “designated substances” under the Occupational Health and Safety Act;
requires the knowledge of a tradesperson whose trade is regulated by the provincial government;
involves banking or the handling of securities, or the handling of jewellery, works of art, antiques, or other valuables;
consists of duties normally performed in the home (i.e., daily chores) or personal recreational activities;
involves a court-ordered program (e.g., community-service program for young offenders, probationary program
Additional Guidelines - The York School
To ensure the integrity of a student’s service experience, The York School also requires the following:
any activity must be verifiable by a third party
parents may not verify service hours
simple membership of a school club that does not have a direct service link is ineligible (i.e. Spanish club, Chess club)
any program with the purpose of training specifically for future employment (e.g. summer leadership programs at camps where parents are paying for their child to engage in leadership experience: LIT/CIT programs) are ineligible.
Students and parents/guardians who have any questions about whether or not an activity qualifies for the Ontario service hours requirement should consult with the Senior School Community Service & CAS Coordinator.