Safety and Emergency Planning

The York School promotes the safest possible environment for learning and thriving for all members of our community. We review our emergency planning procedures annually and practice a minimum of 6 fire and 2 lockdown drills with our students and staff. 

In addition to a full-time School Nurse, all York School employees have been certified in Emergency First Aid and CPR training and this is recertified every three years. Our School Nurse and Associate Head - Wellbeing review the student Health Forms each August to ensure we have the most up-to-date information about our students. The school has three AEDs (Automated External Defibrillators) located at our Junior School campus and four at our Middle/Senior School campus.

In the event of a crisis or emergency, the school uses Brightarrow as our communication tool. Brightarrow allows the school to simultaneously send brief email, text and/or phone messages to groups of parents or the whole school community. While we understand the natural tendency to rush to the school to pick up your child(ren) in the case of an emergency,  please await instructions as situations are often fluid and require coordination.